Client applications and services must use the client_id and client_secret (found here) to generate a valid access_token. The access_token must then be passed via the HTTP header when invoking any of the REST API Endpoints. All authorization requests are submitted to the REST API Authorize URL/Endpoint.
To send the server authentication credentials, you must use the Authorization HTTP header.
The Authorization header is constructed as follows (after Base64 encoding):
For example, if the client_id is '269a7997-8c8e-4041-a286-531ecee93ad1' and the client_secret is '062f6075-2694-4844-b789-2121ea85b897', the header is formed as follows (after Base64 encoding):
Authorization: Basic MjY5YTc5OTctOGM4ZS00MDQxLWEyODYtNTMxZWNlZTkzYWQxOjA2MmY2MDc1LTI2OTQtNDg0NC1iNzg5LTIxMjFlYTg1Yjg5Nw==
GET /authorize HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 Chrome/43.0.2357.124 Safari/537.36 Content-Type: application/json Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8 Authorization: Basic MjY5YTc5OTctOGM4ZS00MDQxLWEyODYtNTMxZWNlZTkzYWQxOjA2MmY2MDc1LTI2OTQtNDg0NC1iNzg5LTIxMjFlYTg1Yjg5Nw==
Note: expires_in is returned in seconds
{ "access_token": "ed10f148-d448-42e1-a8e4-5c60ad35bf28:guid", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "2eb4848a-495e-4446-a421-b0b9603a52z9:guid" }
After obtaining the access_token from the authentication service, the client application must pass the access_token to the REST API Endpoints in the HTTP header of each request.
To send the server your access_token, you must use the Authorization HTTP header.
The Authorization header is constructed as follows (after Base64 encoding):
For example, if the access_token is 'ed10f148-d448-42e1-a8e4-5c60ad35bf28:guid' and the token_type is 'bearer', the header is formed as follows:
Authorization: bearer ZWQxMGYxNDgtZDQ0OC00MmUxLWE4ZTQtNWM2MGFkMzViZjI4Omd1aWQ=
If you have obtained a refresh_token and the access_token has expired (see expires_in in response), you can obtain a replacement access_token and a replacement refresh_token. All refresh requests are submitted to the REST API Authorize URL/Endpoint.
To send the server your refresh_token, you must use the Authorization HTTP header.
The Authorization header is constructed as follows (after Base64 encoding):
For example, if the refresh_token is '2eb4848a-495e-4446-a421-b0b9603a52z9:guid' and the token_type is 'bearer', the header is formed as follows:
Authorization: bearer MmViNDg0OGEtNDk1ZS00NDQ2LWE0MjEtYjBiOTYwM2E1Mno5Omd1aWQ=
GET /authorize HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 Chrome/43.0.2357.124 Safari/537.36 Content-Type: application/json Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8 Authorization: bearer MmViNDg0OGEtNDk1ZS00NDQ2LWE0MjEtYjBiOTYwM2E1Mno5Omd1aWQ=
Note: the response is the same as the original Basic (client_id & client_secret) response
Note: expires_in is returned in seconds
{ "access_token": "8b72feec-304a-408b-81dc-0233d9f50944:guid", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "fe5e52b4-48b7-4f02-930c-e0a2c48cbf0e:guid" }
Errors can and do occur. Along with a proper HTTP Status Code returned via the HTTP header, we also provide additional information in the JSON content.
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Bad Request", "description": "Something bad happened.", "errors": null } }
{ "error": { "code": 401, "message": "Unauthorized", "description": "Invalid credentials.", "errors": null } }
Both types of tokens, access_token and the refresh_token, can be revoked at any time. The most common reason is the generation of a new client_id and client_secret, which leads to an immediate revoke of all previous tokens associated with the previous client_id and client_secret.
Once a refresh_token has been utilized, and a new access_token generated, the refresh_token is considered used and it cannot be used again.
Revocation Example
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Bad Request", "description": "Token revoked.", "errors": null } }
Overuse Example
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Bad Request", "description": "Token has already been refreshed.", "errors": null } }
The Authorization header can be passed in a multitude of ways, but here are a few, simple examples.
Some browsers may support syntax for a username:password (i.e. client_id:client_secret) embedded within the URL for the basic authentication method as outlined in the URL specification.
Note: expires_in is returned in seconds
{ "access_token": "ed10f148-d448-42e1-a8e4-5c60ad35bf28:guid", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "2eb4848a-495e-4446-a421-b0b9603a52z9:guid" }
The jQuery ajax() method supports a beforeSend function which can modify the XMLHTTPRequest object before it is sent.
Note the use of the btoa() function to encode the client_id and client_secret strings using base64. The bota() methods has wide browser support.
function getAuth(client_id, client_secret){ var encodedKey = window.btoa(client_id + ':' + client_secret); // encode a string $.ajax({ cache: false, url: encodeURI(''), type: 'GET', beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + encodedKey); }, data: {}, contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', success: function () { }, error: function () { } }); }
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